Wednesday, April 28, 2010

If i use cheap oil colors for undercoloring dose it decrease quality of my painting?

oil paintingIf i use cheap oil colors for undercoloring dose it decrease quality of my painting?
Depends on how much cheaper you are talking but not really. If you are talking under painting you may want to use acrylics. They don't interfere with your oil colors and still you have a fast and cheap under painting. Many artists do this.

When it comes to mixing different types of oil paint you can only rely on experience and mine says: Stick with good paint. Cheap will make you curse.

There are some very very cheap Chinese paint out there that are really great for experimenting and quick studies...but when mixed with other, more expensive oil paints they will bleed and even start leaking on clotting. No kidding.If i use cheap oil colors for undercoloring dose it decrease quality of my painting?
House, or art painting? You get what you pay for. Cheap paints are usually poorer quality in texture and in their ability to 'stick' to a prepared surface.
Some cheaper paints will fade in the light that's the only reason I've found they are cheaper.

If you're on a budget you might like to use the undercoating paints found in paint shops.

The whites are usually quite brilliant and give a good base color.

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