Monday, April 26, 2010

What is the effect of taking Gingseng, Cod fish oil, and Vitamin C. Can they increase sperm quality and quant?

natural fertility remedy.What is the effect of taking Gingseng, Cod fish oil, and Vitamin C. Can they increase sperm quality and quant?
I don't believe so. I've never heard of any vitamins, etc that increases a man's fertility.What is the effect of taking Gingseng, Cod fish oil, and Vitamin C. Can they increase sperm quality and quant?
Yes.........all of that prvides a helthy place for the sperm to hang out and travel in the correct way...improves motility of the sperm tail to make it move fast as does the vitiman D................Vitamin C improves blook quality and upps your immune system...but if you really want to give your immune system, eat and orange and a Bell Pepper.....Both are very high in Vitamin C...............the Pepper is even higher then the Orange!!! Drink lots and lots of grape juice, and pineapple juice less protein, like red meat for a while....stick to chicken and fish for a while and you get pregnaunt.............stock up on folic Acid too....this help to prevent Neuro Spinal Tube defects in babies.....and cleft have lots leafy greens and salads and veggies and fish and fruit....sugar will make everything move slower and have less from sugar!!
all the things you have mentioned keeps your body healthy. So i can say once you keep your body healthy then your sperm quality and quantity will increase...

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